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05.12.2020 01:51
Marlboro Hard Cigerate Antworten

Subsequently, a series of double-medium cigarettes were produced, using a new twin outer packaging design, which can effectively adapt to storage in a dry environment in the north and achieve the characteristics of moisturizing and fragrance-preserving cigarettes. The classic aroma hits instantly when you open the cigarette. The cigarette smoke is strong and not pungent when you open it. The tobacco is mellow and full, and the inhalation is strong enough to use domestic and foreign high-quality flue-cured tobacco as raw materials and carefully blended with natural plant extracts. The exquisite design of the outer packaging has always had the fine tradition of good coordination and sufficient aroma. The opened cigarettes are relatively short, the bronzing is conspicuous and compact, which means that it is better than removing the dross. After being ignited and inhaled, the taste is moderate, the irritation is moderate, the aroma is average, the smoke is rich and mellow, the aftertaste is melodious, the taste is thick and not rough, but it burns too fast, and overall it is indeed a good smoke. Many people have smoked this kind of cigarette Online Cigarettes. It is produced from cigarettes and is a kind of pop-bead product cigarette. The classic pattern is still used on the outer packaging Newport Cigarettes Coupons, with elegant white, highlighting a fresh and pure beauty. The tobacco leaves use raw materials and add natural flavors and fragrances. Opening the package, the bright golden cigarette holder makes the eyes bright. The smoke is relatively light before smoking. When the burst beads are squeezed, the smoke is soft and smooth, with a hint of sweetness. Launched a mid-range cigarette, using the world's top high-scent tobacco leaves, supplemented with natural high-end flavors and fragrances, effectively combining Rolls-Royce's unique craftsmanship with modern ultra-high craftsmanship. Its packaging design looks more festive, and the classics are undoubtedly obvious. The cigarette exudes a fragrant herbal flavor. When it is lit and smoked, the smoke has a strong fragrance, and the throat feels very comfortable, and the taste is round and delicate Cheap Cigarettes.
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